Today, I decided to work on some publicity and do some much needed cleanup work on my author sites while I wait for my beta readers to get back to me on the last chapter. I've been fixing typos on my website, uploading trailers to different sites, and tweeting like crazy.
I decided to head to my A

mazon author page and check out a few things. I wanted to see if the things I have been doing lately are making any difference in my visibility as an author. I checked my books standings on Amazon today and boy was I pleasantly surprised!
How my books rank: Among all books: digital and print Aug. 2018 ranked 615,065 Feb. 2019 ranked 38,735
Among digital books Aug. 2018 ranked 99,798 Feb. 2019 ranked 8,492
Among print books Aug. 2018 ranked 137,106 Feb. 2019 ranked 10,433
This is amazing! I'm nowhere near bestseller status yet but I'm moving in the right direction! Thank you to everyone who supports my work. I couldn't do this without YOU!!!