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The Into the West Saga Serial
by Stephen Burckhardt
Introducing The Territories Saga Serials Collection. This collection of western cliffhanger serial novellas is perfect for busy people who want entertaining reads that fit into their busy schedules. The first series in this collection is The Into the West Saga Serial. Now you can read the entire Into the West Saga Serial ebook collection FREE with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon! Read more ...
For more information, just click on the cover to read more about it.

Part 1
Part 2
Parts 1 & 2
Part 3
Part 6
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7

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As a thank you for joining the mailing list, you get to read the first chapter of Stephen Burckhardt's award-winning first book in the Into the West Saga Serial, Into the West: The Orphan Train for free. So what are you waiting for?

Stephen Burckhardt was born in and raised in and around Wichita, Kansas. After spending a few years as a child living on a ranch near Benton, KS, Stephen developed a deep love for all things western.
Being a proud member of the Cherokee nation only deepened his interest in history, animals, and native traditions.

Free Giveaway Weekend Success!!
This past September 24th-26th, 2021 the sixth book in the Into the West Saga Serial, Into the West: Last Showdown was released. As Stephen has done in the past, he also gave away the ebook version of Into the West: A New Home - Special Edition.
During this giveaway, we hit the top 10 best sellers in three countries and made it to #14 in a fourth. While we didn't hit #1 in any of the lists this time like we did in July, we did get higher than ever before in the three top countries.
Stephen loves doing this giveaway when he releases a new book in the Into the West Saga Serial because the special edition has both part one, Into the West: The Orphan Train, and part two, Into the West: A New Home in one download. This gives new potential readers a no risk introduction to the saga and will hopefully entice them to read the rest of the books in the saga.
If you want this special edition and you missed out on the giveaway, fear not! You can go to Amazon right now and buy the ebook edition for about $2.99 depending on the country of purchase. If you did download this ebook during the giveaway, thank you so much for helping put Into the West: A New Home - Special Edition on so many of the Amazon Best Seller lists. I never could have made this happen without YOU! Thank you!

Into the West: The Orphan Train
Finalist: 2019 TopShelf Indie Book Awards
Nominated: 2020 TopShelf Indie Book Awards
Into the West: The Orphan Train
Made it onto Two Free Amazon Best Sellers Lists

#41 #16

I received word the first book I ever wrote for myself is now a finalist in the 2019 TopShelf Indie Book Awards. This is extra special to me as this is the first contest into which I have ever entered my writing. To have my first book become a finalist in the first contest I entered, it is beyond thrilling!
The good news just keeps going. The judges were so impressed with my book, they nominated it for the 2020 TopShelf Indie Book Awards because they thought it deserved a second chance to win first place. Maybe you should get your copy today and see what all the fuss is about.
October 26th & 27th, I gave away the eBook version of Into the West: The Orphan Train free on Amazon.com. My book quickly made it onto the Best Sellers lists in not just one but in two categories. The book topped out at #41 in American Literature, #16 in Westerns, and all the way to #1,023 in all free eBooks in the Kindle Store. Considering how many eBooks are available everyday in the Kindle Store, that is an incredible achievement and I would never have been able to do it without the support of my followers! Thank you!
You can download this
award-winning book for just 99¢ on Amazon.com

©2024 Stephen/Dianne Burckhardt
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