Hello My Happy People,
I am on vacation! I really needed this time off. I haven't taken and significant time off from my books since 2015 when I started this indie author endeavor so I think it's time to relax and revive.
I'm taking a vacation from the podcast as well and will pick it back up before Halloween. My friend, Carrie Donovan, just won a horror writing contest and has agreed to come on the podcast and read her winning entry. She is also a singer/songwriter for a Rockabilly band. Check out her video and link information below. I will post dates for that podcast as soon as we set up the interview when we get back from vacation.
We stopped the writing prompt challenge and just give the two entrants each $25 and called it good. We didn't get any more submissions so it's time to quit trying to make it happen. It was a fun idea but not all ideas pan out ... this one did not.
We will start back up with the Friday Funnies on October 21st and carry on from there. We will have photos and videos when we get back and hopefully the full plot for The Touch novel, another sneak peek of the story, and the cover reveal!
Have a wonderful October, people!
The Queen Can't Get Past the Palace Guard
The Carol Burnett Show Clip

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Listen to our podcast, Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt, every Wednesday. Check your favorite podcast provider for listings.
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Writing Prompt Challenge (Rules, prompts, and submission links on Writing Prompt Challenge page)
About Dianne:
What is a Chiari Malformation, a Syrinx (Syringomyelia), and Hydrocephalus?
Want to know more about the host of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt? Check out Episode 1: Who Am I?
Follow us on TikTok :@ burckhardt_books (click underlined text to go)
Support Our Book Banter Buddies (guest interviews):
Carrie Donovan - writer/musician (Coming soon)
Past Guest Interviews:
Mark L. Redmond website: The Box M Gang (Episode 8: March 23, 2022)
DJ Jamison, Amazon Author Page (Episodes 21 & 22: July 6 & 13, 2022)
Allie "Book Historia" Alvis website (Episodes 23, 24, & 25: July 20 & 27, Aug 3, 2022)
Lisa Sillaway "Social Media Professor" (Episodes 26 & 27: Aug 10 & 17, 2022)
Kara from Kavo Creative Studio (Episodes 32 & 33: Sept. 21 & 28, 2022)
Wise Oak Soapery on Facebook
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