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Whatever Wednesday: Sleep-Deprived

Writer's picture: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello, Posse!

I hope you are having a great Wednesday. I am mostly awake for this blog. I have been working until the wee hours of the morning for a few weeks now to get everything set in the same formatting program and get a new set of hardcovers available. I wanted everything to gel together in a cohesive serial in time for the last book to come out. I plan to start writing the final book either this weekend or next week.

I want to spend the rest of this week making a companion fun book I want to release this Christmas to my Members Only group. It's going to be just a pdf book with games and puzzles and maybe a few holiday crafts and recipes from the Into the West Saga Serial's time period. Basically I'm doing it just because I want to, which is usually why I do anything I do.

After all this hard work, I think I can safely say I have everything updated that I wanted to update. I am going to do one final check once everything has had a chance to update on Amazon, that will take a few days, but then I should be good to go. I also am learning to add A+ content to my Amazon pages which I hope will draw more interest to the book series. We will see. I need to learn how to do SEO better too. If I had a budget for such things, I would just pay someone qualified to do it for me, but since I don't it's time to find a how to video and get to it myself.

Besides working, I am enjoying fall when I can. I love this time of year. If you know me, you know I LOVE Halloween. I love watching scary movies, decorating the house, making costumes, giving out candy, it's just fun! In this spirit, I have been thinking about making my next writing project a cozy mystery kind of story.

For years I read a very popular cozy mystery series, this is until the writer who had always had an established love triangle in her books suddenly brought in a character from the woman's past and she just forgot about the two men she had been going back and forth with for years. Then when she upped and married the new character, I was done. Made me so mad I never read another one of her books. I figured, I'm a writer, I'll just write my own cozy mystery, one I would want to read. With any luck, other people will want to read them too. Plus, I would actually write this book as Dianne Burckhardt and will not need to watch my pronouns like I do when writing as Stephen.

Well, Posse, I think this is enough rambling for now. I'll leave you with a few great Halloween DIY ideas from Bargain Bethany to get your creative juices going as we get closer to Halloween. She has a great YouTube channel. If you like crafting, you should really follow her. She has some great ideas that work for just about any budget.

Have a great week, Posse!


Bargain Bethany Dollar Tree Halloween DIYs That You'll Love 2020


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