Hello, Posse!
I hope things are going well where you are. We have been having a lot of fun and stress around here. Some of you may know that the eBook version of Part 6, Into the West: Last Showdown is on pre-sale now on Amazon (<--- click here to buy). As is my tradition, that means we will also have a giveaway weekend for the Special Edition of Into the West: A New Home which has both parts 1 and 2 of the Into the West Saga Serial in it.
If you know anyone who has not read my books and you think they will like the saga, be sure to let them know about the giveaway weekend. This free download is a great way to try out the serial at no risk to them. The last time we had a giveaway for Into the West: A New Home - Special Edition, it hit 9 separate bestsellers lists on Amazon and made it all the way to #1 on a few of them. It would be great to see it do that again.
It is a miracle these release dates actually worked out. It was right down to the wire and there was a technical glitch that I had to fix today to have the books release on September 25th, but it all worked out in the end. I don't know who I feel more sorry for, my husband, Pedro, or my editor, Greg.
My editor, Greg Wood, is such a trooper. I got my book to him at the last minute (I know, no surprise there) and he managed to get me the edits a few hours before the deadline I had to get things loaded up on Amazon. Plenty of time to make the changes. However, my husband had to listen to me rant at 2 am when we had the technical glitch and I thought I had lost Sept. 25th as my publication date. The both deserve long vacations!
When I selected the dates for the pre-sale (Sept. 19th, my birthday) and the actual publishing date (Sept. 25th, Shaggy's birthday) I had planned to finish writing the book by the first week of September, giving Greg and I plenty of time for edits and to load things in the programs on Amazon. But then Murphy had to show up again and throw a wrench in the works.
I had to have the final edits uploaded by 2 am on the 22nd. I got them uploaded and saved with 30 minutes to spare. However, the next day I got an email stating my publication date had been changed to the 27th (if you had already pre-ordered, you got an email about that). The program was still processing and I could not do anything about it until today. When I was able to get into it today, I was able to change it back to the 25th (you probably got a second email about that too).
But now everything is set and uploaded and I even managed to get the free download set up to be live from the 24th to the 26th for Shaggy's birthday. All that is left to do this week is relax, make lots of ads for the books and promo the crap our of everything.
If you like my books, please share the posts, tell people about them, or leave a review, you will never know how much this all helps. The Into the West Saga Serial has one more book left to finish out this saga. The plan is to have it out for Christmas. I will be taking a week off of writing books next week and just work on the blogs and some promotional ads going out. The following week I plan to hit the next book hard and try to finish it by November!
Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Don't forget
You can join my mailing list and never miss out on news or upcoming release dates. Just go to our subscribers page (<--- click here) and give us your name and email address. When you join up, you get to read the first chapter of Into the West: The Orphan Train for free. If you haven't read my books this is a great way to try them out with no risk to you. The mailing list is free to join, quit anytime, no strings attached . . . ever!
What have you got to lose? Join us today and start reading!
Have a great Wednesday, Posse!