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Notice: Due to the massive redesign and creation of Burckhardt Books, some internal links in blogs posted before January 24, 2022 may no long be active. If you find a broken link, please send us an email and let us know which blog it is in. We will do our best to go back and check links in previous blogs as time permits. But let's be honest, it's going to be slow going. 

It's Going Slowly, But It's Going!

Yesterday was filled with good and bad news. The bad news was the painter decided to come a day early. I ended up only getting three hours sleep (I'm a total night owl) before I had to get up and let him in at 8:30 when he was scheduled to come; he didn't show up until 9:30. The good news is he got everything done in one day and will not be back. The bad news is my current general practitioner who I saw on Monday, is a very nice lady but is really only good if you have a cold of flu and need to been seen today. The good news is I found a new doctor and she even does acupuncture! I have always wanted to try that for headaches. I see her next Tuesday. The bad news is I didn't get as much accomplished on my writing as I was hoping. The good news is I had a good class with my student and I did get a lot of work done to get things started on my books again.

Today has been a mix of good and bad as well. This morning I didn't get to do any writing because I was busy testing to get certified to teach the summer TOEFL classes with the online school for which I'm currently working. I am not likely to get a lot of student over the summer if I'm not certified to teach these test prep classes, so until I can make enough money from my book sales to pay my student loan payments, I have to keep teaching as much as possible.But the good news is I had another good class with my student today and now I'm all set to spend the rest of the day working on my book series.

My plan is to first reread part one and two to get back into the stories mindset. Then I am going to write the short stories for Margret MacBride and another for one of the other characters. It might be Sonya or it might be about one of the other children who were adopted off the train. These shorts will be uploaded in the Members Only section of this website. You can access this in The Saloon drop down box.

Membership to the Members Only page is free. All you have to do is register. There will be free short stories there periodically, special contests, and many other special offers that will only ever be available to members. Do not worry about being bombarded with loads of emails or notices from me, I'm too busy (or lazy, depends on the day) for that to ever happen. At the most, you might get three emails in a month, that is the limit I can send for free with my website plan so it's never going to go past that.

So now, I'm going to go post this blog all over my social media, then get back to reading Into the West: The Orphan Train (click the title to buy a copy for yourself.) After that, I will write the short story about Margret and get that posted in the Members Only page as soon as possible. Ciao for now!

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