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Whatever Wednesday: The Blahs!

Hello Posse!

I hope you are all happy and healthy and are staying warm with all the arctic temperatures plaguing the US right now. Seeing some of the photos of things frozen over in Texas really brings home the severity of the storms.

We have just started to see the temperatures here start to climb above freezing and might actually hit around the high 50s this weekend. I'm hoping we can see that warmer trend continue. One thing about freezing temperatures outside is they can make you want to stay in and hibernate until things start warming up. I know for at least a week, all I wanted to do when it was snowing was to make some hot tea, grab a good book, and curl up in blankets.

When you are already staying at home because of Covid, then add on top of that isolation you get horrible arctic weather, it can easily bring on a case of the blahs! I know I have had to force myself to be productive the last few days. My husband and I have been working from home for a long time, but we have still been able to go outside and walk around the neighborhood, enjoy the fresh air, and a bit of nature. While we can still go outside when the weather is frigid, that fresh air we had previously loved feels more like a brutal slap in the face now and nature just seems to be very angry with the world. It gives Netflix and "chill" a whole new meaning.

So what to do when the blahs hit you? Personally, I find new things to try. I have been working on getting better at making fresh bread. I'm good at the mixing part and get the dough to the right consistency but it all seems to fall apart in the proofing. I'm working on that. I have not been reading as much as I used to since I became a writer again. It is just a time thing, but with the cold weather, now seemed like a good time to read more.

I know many of you are probably wondering, why aren't you spending this time writing your fifth book in your Into the West Saga Serial?! The good news is, I am also doing that. This one is being a real pain. I realized I ended the fourth book in the wrong place. I should have had at least two more chapters in Into the West: Most Wanted. Now, I am trying to quit focusing on that fact and just keep going with the story and incorporate the chapters into this fifth book. The story is continuous after all and it really does not make a difference which book the information is in as long as the whole story gets told. It just bugs me and I am OCD so it REALLY bugs me . . . constantly.

So when you start feeling blah, what do you to get yourself out? We would love to hear from you in the comments. I would suggest that if you haven't already read my Into the West Saga Serial books, you might want to give them a try. Nothing gets your mind off your own situation like falling into a good book.

In the meantime, a good laugh is always a great way to lift your spirits. Check out the video below and have a wonderful week! Warning: I laughed myself in to an asthma attack.



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