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Whatever Wednesday:

Writer's picture: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello Posse,

Today, is just going to be a quick catch up while we continue to work on the audiobook, Stephen is writing part four, Into the West: Most Wanted, and we are constantly updating the social media sites.

If you haven't noticed we are working on a merchandise line for the Into the West Saga Serial as well. We hope to have a few basic items up and for sale for the holidays. Go on over to the General Store to find out more.

For now, with the weather turning colder and the holidays coming near, I thought I would share another recipe with you for hot chocolate. The only thing I like about cold weather is I can drink hot chocolate without feeling guilty about the calories.

A few notes: I am not very fond of milk chocolate and always prefer dark. So for this recipe I use dark chocolate but you can always substitute milk chocolate if you prefer. I also use Oat Milk and non-dairy topping instead of cow#s milk products because I am a vegetarian but again you can always switch out regular milk products for the same amount.

Peppermint Stick Hot Chocolate

Makes 2 mugs (we use large mugs for this)

3 cups oat milk

1/3 cup dark chocolate chips

2 small peppermint candy canes, crushed

Add milk to a sauce pan and heat until warm but not boiling. Add chocolate chips and crushed candy canes. Whisk until all are melted and well mixed into the milk. Pout into mugs and garnish with non-dairy whipped topping and an addition candy cane if you wish. This goes great with sugar cookies or gingerbread.


If you want to kick this up to an adult level, instead of crushed candy canes you can add peppermint schnapps. Another great addition is Godiva Chocolate Liquor. It's always fun to play around with variations at the holidays, just please drink responsibly.




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Stephanie Crow
Stephanie Crow
Nov 20, 2019

If you like peppermint hot chocolate, you may like this:

1/2 C instant coffee

1/2 C cocoa powder

1 C sugar

1 C powdered nondairy creamer

1 pkg. mint M&M's (or starlight mints)

Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until M&M's (or mints) are mostly ground.

Add 2-3 tbs. of mix to a mug, mix in 6 oz. boiling water and stir.

I usually chop up more M&Ms for garnish with whipped cream. SO good!

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