Hello (again) posse!
Just a quick note to wish you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and National Winnie the Pooh Day.

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I think, given current events, today is a great day to reflect on some great teachings from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Here are two great quotes that I think speak to many of us.
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love … The degree to which we are able to forgive determines the degree to which we are able to love our enemies.”
Today also happens to be National Winnie the Pooh Day. I have always love Winnie the Pooh Stories. I remember watching Winnie the Pooh on the Disney shows on TV when I was a kid. Be sure to check out the Winnie the Pooh movie trailer at the bottom of this blog post. I have always found there are many great quotes from Winnie the Pooh as well.
"If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear."“I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I have been.”
“I always get to where I'm going by walking away from where I have been.”
I am often reminded (again just this week in fact) that at times it is best for your own peace of mind to just walk away, from situations and people. Do not let anyone disturb your peace. If they do, they may not be meant to be part of your life's journey anyway.
Sometimes when you find yourself in opposition with someone, the best thing to do is just wish them well, say a prayer for them, and walk away. If they talk behind your back after that, do not turn back to them. Just leave them to their devices and keep going on your path. People who do things like that, belong in your past and you do not live there anymore so need to revisit there. Leave them and the conflict behind and focus on the peace and good things your are moving toward.
We here at StephenBurckhardt.com wish you all a wonderful and peaceful week ahead.
Take care, posse!