Hello, Posse!
With the winter Olympics in full swing I thought now would be a great time for some sports jokes. Though more weather jokes was a close second. We have seen just about every kind of weather in the last few days except sunny and warm. I am counting down they days for that!
Don't forget to check out our new Whatever Wednesday The Podcast (<--- click here). I have been reading book one of my Into the West Saga Serial, Into the West: The Orphan Train, at the end of each podcast. It has been good practice for me for when I start recording my audiobooks. Though I do promise to do a better job on the accents for the final version. I even have a voice coach I am going to work with to get them as close to correct as a foreigner can get.
But for now . . . on with the jokes!
Have a great weekend!
Q: Where is the largest diamond in New York City kept? A: Yankee Stadium.
Q: A man leaves home, makes three left turns, and goes back toward home when he sees two men in masks waiting for him, who are they? A: A catcher and the umpire.
Q: Why are zebras so bad at baseball?
A: They always have three stripes and are out!
Q: I wonder why the baseball is getting bigger? A: Nevermind, if finally hit me.
Q: Which baseball retains the most water? A: The pitcher.
Q: How do baseball players keep up their friendships? A: They make sure to always touch base.
Q: Why did the Cubs hire a baker? A: The coach said they needed a new batter.
Q: What goes around the baseball field but never takes a step? A: The fence.
Q: When should football players wear armor? A: When they play knight games.
Q: Where do catchers sit to eat lunch? A: Behind the plate.
Q: Why is a sports stadium the coolest place to be? A: They're always full of fans.
Q: Did you hear the joke about the pop fly? A: Nevermind, it'll just go over your head.
Q: Which fast-food chain could win a basketball tournament? A: Dunkin’ Donuts.
Q: Why are bullfrogs so good at basketball? A: They always make their jump shots.
Q: What’s a golfer’s favorite drink? A: Tee!
And last but not least . . .
Q: Why can’t basketball players go on vacation? A: They are never allowed to travel.