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Friday Funnies: Festivals!

Writer's picture: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello Posse!

I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend. So many things have been going on here. P.R:'s birthday is tomorrow and we decided to do a few things tonight to celebrate the Lantern Festival that is celebrated today. I mean, why not? It's better than just the normal sitting at home watching Netflix that we usually do on a Friday night.

I've also been doing a surprising bit of self-discovery that I think will really help me refocus on my own priorities, like finishing part five, Into the West: Last Showdown. I am sure some of you are thinking . . .'bout time! No excuses here, I totally own that!

To try to make up for delays (and to actually prove that I am working on the book), I am going to put a link to a hidden page on my site that will take you to a scene I have been working on for the new book. I would just post it in this blog, but this way if someone does not want to see "spoilers", they don't have to do it. I know some people prefer to wait and read the whole book when it comes out and I respect that. Into the West: Last Showdown sneak peek is here.

Today, I am doing some cooking and trying out a new recipe to celebrate the Lantern Festival. It just seemed like a wonderful and fun celebration so I decided to try making some traditional Chinese foods.

In fact, I am going back and forth from writing this blog to cooking. I have a hard time working on anything in a linear fashion.

I am making Red House Spice's, Tang Yuan. (<--- click here for recipe) A Traditional sesame filled dumpling served for the Lantern Festival. This celebration is also known as the Yuan Xiao Festival. A holiday celebrated in China and other Asian countries on the 15th day of the first month (Yuan) of their lunar calendar to honor their deceased ancestors.

The other dish I am making today is Di San Xian. This is a wonderful sautéed potato, eggplant, and green pepper dish. I have made this before and it was wonderful! This dish is not really associated with the festival; we just really like it and wanted it for dinner.

I am using the recipe from China Sichuan Food. (<--- click here for recipe). The recipe I had used before was in a video and did not have a printable recipe. The China Sichuan Food recipe was very similar to the one in the video so I'm going with this from now on.

Please remember I have a recipe page under My Blog Ramblings where I have collected all the recipes I have shared in all of the blogs. No need to to search endlessly for something you saw once in a blog, the are all in one convenient place. Since I have been on a real cooking jag lately, I thought some jokes about cooking would be good.

Have a great weekend, posse!



Q: What do you call a fake noodle?

A: An impasta.


Q. What did the baby corn ask to his mom corn?

A: Where is my popcorn?


Q: Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the casino?

A: Because he was on a roll.


Q: What’s orange and sounds a lot like a parrot?

A: A carrot, of course!


Q: Why do people hate nosey peppers?

A: Because they jalapeno business!


Q: What do you call a baby potato?

A: A tater tot


Q: Is milk fast?

A: Very! It’s pasteurized before you even know it!


Q: What kind of socks do vegetable farmers wear?

A: Garden hose.


Q: Why were the pecan and the walnut such good friends?

A: They were both nuts.


Q: Where do vegetables go to have a few drinks?

A: To a salad bar!


Q: What did one berry say to the other berry?

A: If you weren’t so sweet, we wouldn’t be in this jam!


And last but not least . . .

Q: Why are the mushrooms always the first to be invited to parties?

A: Because they are all such fungis!


Popcorn -- The Swedish Chef -- Muppets


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