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Book Banter: Season Two! EP 51: LM Wilson Interview

Hello my happy people!

Thank you for joining us for season two of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt. We have great things coming this season!

Today Dianne chats with bestselling romance author LM Wilson. Wilson talks about her books and what is coming next for her career. Her latest book, A Vow to Break just released today. Click the purple text to check it out ... after you check out this interview, or course. The women had a great time making this podcast. You will not want to miss out!

From The Mills & Boon webpage (Wilson mentions she worked here): Mills & Boon is an imprint of Harlequin Enterprises, a division of HarperCollins Publishers Australia and one of the largest English-language publishers in the world. Mills & Boon has a long history in Australia and has grown to become Australia’s undisputed market leader in romance fiction publishing.

Be sure to check back next week when Dianne is joined by

western author LeRoy A Peters or better yet, subscribe to

our podcast on your favorite podcast provider and never

miss an episode.

Don't wait, go listen now!


LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes.

LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP: 52, Feb. 8, 2023)

Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

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