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Book Banter S3 EP 153 Holiday Hiatus Frankfurter Buchmesse Interviews

Writer's picture: Dianne BurckhardtDianne Burckhardt


Hello My Happy People,

Welcome to our holiday hiatus episodes between our regular podcast seasons. Normally we play "The Best of" shows from the season that is ending, but this year we are bringing you interviews we recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse in Frankfurt, Germany. This Buchmesse is the world's largest publishing convention and with these interviews we barely scratched the surface of the incredible vendors attending this conference.

In today's show you will hear Dianne Burckhardt conducting interviews on the convention floor with these companies. They discuss business practices and products these companies provide.

Abacus Brands, led by CEO Steve Rad, is an innovative pioneer in educational toys. Combining books and Virtual Reality (VR) to create immersive learning experiences for all ages. These learning sets not only engage the viewer and make learning fun, they put you in the experience. You are not just reading about dinosaurs, you are walking with them. You are not just watching Bill Nye the Science Guy do experiments, you are in his lab with him and can do experiments yourself with his guidance. The Future of learning is "virtually" alive at Abacus Brands. 

Sweet Cherry Publishing had an incredible display of books on hand at the Frankfurter Buchmesse, presented by their UK and Export Sales Assistant, Ciara Myton. With everything from activity books to illustrated classics, they provide something to engage just about any child and reading level. According to Ciara, they cover everything from board books and nursery age titles all the way up to young adult fiction and unabridged classics.

To learn more about the worlds largest publishing convention, check out the link above.

PLEASE NOTE:  these interviews are all recorded live on the convention floor. There is of course background noise due to the numerous amount of convention goers around us. We did our best to clean up the sound for you. We are looking into new technology to bring you even better sound next year. These are also minimally edited just to clean up the sound. 

See you February 5, 2025 for our season 4 Lovefest opener!

Happy Holidays,


Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

Purple background with a black microphone and headset with the word podcast

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My Manic Life Holiday Hiatus Vlog

Support Book Banter Productions

Do you enjoy Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast and Book Banter Magazine? You can make sure we can stay in business. All you have to do buy a copy of Book Banter Magazine or just buy us a coffee below. I do not make any profits from Book Banter Productions. I do not charge authors for exposure. Up to this point, this has just been a very expensive hobby, but that will have to change if we are to continue.

If you want to help keep us going , you can just click the link below and buy us a coffee or click the Book Banter Magazine ad below that to buy yourself a digital copy of Book Banter Magazine. Every magazine and coffee helps us to keep going!

Thank you!

Sales ad for Book Banter Magazine. The cover of the current magazine is on the left with a pink background with starlight. The text is Book Banter Magazine. New Format, On Sale Now only $2.99 at Burckhardt Books dot com. Dianne Burckhardt's logo is on the bottom left next to the words The Companion Publication to Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast
Click image to read a sample of the latest issue 


Dec/Jan - Holiday Book Buying Guide Issue is

on Sale NOW only $2.99

We will no longer be publishing Book Banter Magazine. The Current issue will be our last.

All issues will be available for purchase until October 1, 2025. If you have already purchased a magazine from us, be sure to download your copy before October 1, 2025. At that time, our subscription to our publishing platform will expire and all issues of Book Banter Magazine will disappear from online. We will still be publishing all the magazines in print format on Amazon. We hope to have them available by the beginning of season 4 of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt – Book Talk Podcast, coming February 5, 2025.

Follow us on Facebook: @BurckhardtBooks and @DianneBurckhardt.Author

Advertisement for Book Banater with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast. Pink background with an image of Dianne to the right of the text. on the bottom left are the logos for Burckhardt Books and Dianne Burckhardt. The text reads: Join award-winning author, Dianne Burckhardt every Wednesday as she chats with other authors and publishing industry professionals If you love books like we do, you do not want to miss this podcast! Burckhardt books dot com slashpodcast
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Listen to our podcast, Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast, every Wednesday. Check your favorite podcast provider for listings.

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Season 3 Highlights

Season 3, 2024 Guest Interviews:

* Special Episode January 10th, 2024 Celebrating Our 100th Broadcast *


Special Guest: Pedro (P.R.) Burckhardt

Producer for Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt Podcast and Book Banter Magazine


Tosca Lee

Author of The Long Road Home, Havah: The Story of Eve, and Demon: A Memoir

New York Times Bestselling Author

Tosca Lee

Future Podcast Guests

Season Three Holiday Hiatus Episodes:

New this year, instead of our usual "Best of" rebroadcast episodes during our hiatus, we are bringing you all new interviews recorded live at the 2024 Frankfurter Buchmesse in Frankfurt, Germany. The sound in these episodes will not be as clear as our usual episodes. They were recorded live in the middle of the book convention, the crowds were constantly milling all around us, talking, and checking out the exhibits. However, we always strive to bring you the best sound quality we possibly can.



18th - S3 EP 149:  NOW STREAMING

Interviews recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

> Lego Books ReBuild Activity Cards - Nina

> SenSee Korea Braille and Activity books for children created with their own AI software. (Interview by CTO/Pedro Burckhardt)

> SC (Sang Choy) International Pre. Ltd, Your Partner in Print. Providing print service globally for products from coffee table books to plush and activity



25th - S3 EP 150: NOW STREAMING

Interviews recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

> Make Believe Ideas

> Parragon Publishing India - Ganesh Singh

   (Interview by CTO/Pedro Burckhardt)

January 2025

1st - S3 EP 151: NOW STREAMING

Interviews recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

> iPg - Independent Publishing Group - Joe Matthews

> Wrote By Me - Django Degree, Founder (Helping Authors Sell More Books)

   Author of I Hope You Wake Up

   Buy Link  

8th - S3 EP 152: NOW STREAMING

Interviews recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

> Hannah Gässler - CosPlayer


> ClimateHackerz - Joerg Osarek (Interview by CTO/Pedro Burckhardt)

15th - S3 EP 153: NOW STREAMING

Interviews recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

> Abacus Brands - Steve Rad

> Sweet Cherry Publishing

22nd - S3 EP 154:

Interviews recorded live at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

> Kasey Rogers, Co-Author of I Know Why She Stayed

   Founder of a nonprofit combating domestic

   abuse against women. #IKnowWhySheStayed - Authors Against Abuse

> Dianne and Pedro Burckhardt wrap up their first visit to the

   Frankfurter Buchmesse in Frankfurt, Germany 2024

29th - S3 EP 155:

Best of Season 3 Rebroadcast - S3 EP 120: Theresa Payton, Author

> Manipulated: Inside the Cyberwar to Hijack Elections and Distort the Truth

> Founder of Fortalice Solutions (cybersecurity services)

Season Four Begins February 5, 2025


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