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Writer's pictureDianne Burckhardt

Book Banter: Lance SA Nielsen Interview!

Hello My Happy People! Have I got a show for you today (and next Wednesday actually)! In today's episode, I get to chat with my good friend, Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen. I always look forward to chatting with Lance for several reasons. Besides the fact that he is multi-talented, working as an author, a playwright, an acting coach, and a director, but Lance really knows how to make me laugh too. We bonded over brain damage and memory loss and it tends to be a running joke with us. A bit about Lance, he was born in South Africa and adopted at a young age by an English mother and Danish father. Raised in Kingston-upon-Thames in the United Kingdom, it was here, according to his website, "... he spent much of his time engaged in designing fictional worlds for role-playing games, rolling dice, renting videos, going to the cinema and forgetting to tell his mother what time he would be home when he went out. While under the influence of many pints JRR Tolkien, he made his first attempts at writing a book series, The Prophecy of the Witch-King."

Since then, Lance has written many amazing works for stage, screen, and print. He chats about them all with Dianne in episodes 56 & 57, be sure to catch them both. We had so much fun and talked forever. I had to cut out so much just to fit our interview into two shows. I may do an extended version of his interviews over the holidays in our between seasons holiday break. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel where I was recently a guest author on his Industry Interviews on The Outcasts Creative YouTube show. It is listed below as well as his social media links.

Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, Author of Diamonds in the Sky Series

So what are you waiting for? Go listen now!


Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

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Lance interviews Dianne and bestselling author, Val Collins, recorded live March 1st.

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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (guest interviews):

Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, Author of Diamonds in the Sky Series

(EPs: 56 & 57, March 8th & 15th, 2023)

David Gibson, PhD FRSB, Author of Planting Clues: How Plants Solve Crimes.

(EP 58, March 22nd, 2023)

Season 2 Past Guest Interviews:

LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP: 51, Feb. 1, 2023)

LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP: 52, Feb. 8, 2023)

C. D'Angelo, Author of The Difference and The Visitor (EP: 53, Feb. 15th, 2023)

Val Collins, author of the Aoife Walsh Books (EP: 54, Feb. 22, 2023)

Kirstie Page, Visual Storyteller/Artist (EP: 55, March 1st, 2023)

Season 1 Guest Interviews:

DJ Jamison, Author of Never Have I Evan (Episodes 21 & 22: July 6 & 13, 2022)

Allie "Book Historia" Alvis website (Episodes 23, 24, & 25: July 20 & 27, Aug 3, 2022)

Lisa Sillaway "Social Media Professor" (Episodes 26 & 27: Aug 10 & 17, 2022)

Kara Vogt from Kavo Creative Studio (Episodes 32 & 33: Sept. 21 & 28, 2022)

Carrie Donovan - writer/musician (Episode 37, October 26, 2022)

Sonali Dev, author of The Vibrant Years. (Episode 42: Nov. 30, 2022)

Kira Hagen, author of Strangeling. (Episode 43: Dec. 7, 2022)


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