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Notice: Due to the massive redesign and creation of Burckhardt Books, some internal links in blogs posted before January 24, 2022 may no long be active. If you find a broken link, please send us an email and let us know which blog it is in. We will do our best to go back and check links in previous blogs as time permits. But let's be honest, it's going to be slow going. 

Reserve Your Copy TODAY!

Hello Posse,

I hope you had a great week and your weekend is shaping up to be even better! It seems like it has taken me forever and a day to get part three of my Into the West Saga Serial ready to go.

My first two novellas did not get a lot of attention as I was just starting out and was completely unknown outside of my own personal circle. I spent all of last year trying to correct that.

I worked on several books with award-winning, best-selling, western author Scott Harris. I also began networking through social media to increase my online presence. Doing these things has increased my following and is continuing to broaden my reach for potential readers.

While this has been helpful for my visibility, there are people who have been waiting extremely patiently (except for mom and thank you for that) for part three, Into the West: Sharon Springs, to come out.

The good news is: THE WAIT IS OVER . . . almost.

We still have a few edits to make and a few things to tweak but we do have the Amazon page ready to go so everyone can reserve their copy today while we finish up everything. Because of the set up I was using for the Amazon sale, I could not set the price at $0.99 like the other two books. this one will sell for $1.99 but this one is longer and it comes with a special promotion.

Somewhere in the extra bits of the book (acknowledgements, copyright information, about the author, coming soon, etc.) I have hidden clues to find a hidden page on my website. If you find the link to the secret page, you will have to enter a password. There is a trivia question in the book and the answer to that question is the password to the secret page.

What is your prize on the secret page?

As soon as I have the first chapter of part four, Into the West: Most Wanted, written I will post it on the secret page for all of you who have solved the clues.

Going forward I plan to hide several such pages on my website with clues hidden in my books to help you find them.

Thank you for following my career and I hope you enjoy part three Into the West: Sharon Springs.

Have a great weekend!


Warning: If part one or two made you cry, be sure to read part three with a box of tissues. I have been told it made people cry even more than the first two. I don't do that on purpose, honest!

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