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Writer's picture: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

It is no secret to those of you a who are following me, that I have been struggling to get book three written. For my process I always think about the book, figure out the basic outline of the story in my head, then sit down and put it on the page.

I write one draft, do my edit, have it edited by another person (now that would be Greg Wood), run it through a reader so I can listen to it, then do the final edits. I never do a major rewrite on the page. I do all of that in my head before I ever put a word on the page.

With Into the West: Sharon Springs, I've had a vague idea of where I wanted the story to go but It didn't click in my head the way books one and two did, until today. I was in the shower thinking that I wanted to spend today writing and trying to figure out just what I wanted to write when is all fell into place.

Well, to say "äll" is a bit of a stretch, the first three chapters locked into place in my head. I still have just a vague idea for the big conflict and the resolution but I feel confident they lock into place as I work my way through the first three chapters.

It's crazy how writing can seem like such a chore when you are struggling to find your direction in a story but then once you find it, it all becomes as natural as breathing.

I think next Sunday may have to be a Sneak Peak Sunday. I'll post a special excerpt from my current work on the Members Only page on my website.

If you haven't joined the Members Only page yet, it's free to join and if you join before June 1st, you will be eligible to win an autographed copy of the Special Edition of Into the West: A New Home.

As always, thanks for following along with my crazy life as I attempt to create a functional writing career for myself. Your support is priceless to me!



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