I am finally starting to feel accomplished . . . at least a little bit. I have my second short story turned in to Scott Harris for the next group project book coming out soon and I finally got the formatting all done for Into the West: Sharon Springs.
Today I was able to finish all the legalese, acknowledgements, and basic set of for the book and actually started writing! Cue the hallelujah chorus!
So as promised, here is a Sneak Peek at the opening of book three, Into the West: Sharon Springs. Now a bit of a disclaimer first. This is the first draft so this could change but this is how it started out today with the writing of the first draft.
Enjoy or turn back now if you don't want spoilers!
Chapter 11
Tim Ruth read the notice once more. According to the paper Phillis Todd had given him at the town meeting last week, there was a train coming with foundlings who were looking for homes.
Tim had been trying to figure out how to broach the subject with his wife, Stacy, ever since he had first read the notice. He knew it was going to be a hard sell with his wife to convince her they needed to take in one of the foundlings but he had to try. Tim hadn’t been able to shake the idea of having a little girl in the house again since he learned it might actually be possible.
Hope you liked the snippet. Don't forget to join the Members Only page on my website for more sneak peeks while I continue writing part three Into the West: Sharon Springs. It's always free to join and you will be entered to win and autographed copy of the special edition of Into the West: A New Home. This edition had both parts one and two in one volume. It's a pretty sweet deal!
Thanks for following along, I hope things will be getting more interesting here in a few weeks. Keep checking back so you don't miss out.