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Not all Self-Publishing Sites are the Same.

Writer's picture: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

I had been toying idea of taking my books off of nook and just going with Amazon so I could enroll in their exclusive deal and earn a higher percentage rate when I sell a book. But after trying to change the cover art on the books, I realize the Barnes & Noble self publisher is so much easier to work with and I actually seem to earn more money on their site. Who knew?If they only had their own exclusive deal to earn a higher percentage rate on there, I'd consider dumping Amazon and just going with B&N.

When I went to change all the cover art for the books that are currently on sale, it took me just a few minutes per book to change the covers on B&N's site. It was changed on their website a day later. When I went to Amazon and Create Space to change them, it took me several minutes to and an hour to get everything changed on those sites and the new images haven't shown up online at the time of this writing. Who knows how long it will take to for it to finally upload.

At least going forward I know which site I will work with first. It actually does my heart good to have my books available with B&N. I worked for them for thirteen and a half years. I loved that job! I hope one day I get to walk into a brick and mortar store and find my books on their shelves. That will be the day I know I have really made my dream of being a writer come true.

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