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Notice: Due to the massive redesign and creation of Burckhardt Books, some internal links in blogs posted before January 24, 2022 may no long be active. If you find a broken link, please send us an email and let us know which blog it is in. We will do our best to go back and check links in previous blogs as time permits. But let's be honest, it's going to be slow going. 

Don't Quote Me On This

Because I would rather quote you! I need a quote for the new cover art for Into the West: A New Home. If you have read this book, just write me a one line quote about it and send it to me at I will pick the best quote for the cover.

Disclaimer: by sending your quote to my email. You are gifting me full rights to use your name and quote on any promotional media, from book covers to websites and any other media I so choose, from this date forward without claim to any compensation, monetary or otherwise, other than my deepest gratitude. Which will, by the way, be deep and eternal!

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