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Getting Back in the Swing of things

Writer's picture: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Today I have been going through all the different websites I use to produce my books: CreateSpace, Kindle Direct Publishing, and Nook Press. I'm making sure everything is up to date and working correctly.

I have to say, I'm very disappointed in the results I have gotten from Nook Press. Besides not selling a single physical book on their site, their customer service department has been less than helpful. I have contacted them before about problems I have had with their publishing software and have received little to no help.

I had wanted to have my physical books available on the Barnes and Noble website, in part, because I worked for the company for 13 and a half years. I feel a sort of nostalgia for the company. I have a lot of memories from working there for so long, some bad but most were good, a few were even great. However, I think it's time to forego the nostalgia and look at what will help me achieve my present goals; Nook Press does not seem to be able to help in this regard.

Another reason I wanted to use Nook Press is they offer hard cover versions of physical books. Something I haven't been able to find anywhere else. I wanted, if nothing else, to have hardcover versions for myself. I wanted to make sure I would have good copies of my own books to keep for , well, for as long as I am on this earth. But I'm thinking this is something I should just let go of for now and just focus on getting some attention for my work. Maybe when I get ready to publish the complete serial in one volume I can revisit the idea of a hardcover version.

So, for now I think I'm going to withdraw my work from from the physical print section of Nook Press and just stick with the eBooks. As I was checking all the websites today I was surprised to find out I have actually been selling more eBooks on Nook than on Kindle the last few months. Who knew?

It's sad to part with the physical books on Nook Press but who knows, maybe one day I will be back.

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