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Free Beta Version

Into the West: The Orphan Train

This page is a free streaming SAMPLE version of our new beta version of our first audiobook for Into the West: The Orphan Train. It is the first novella installment in the Into the West Saga Serial. This is a first practice version of an audiobook as we are learning how to use the new sound equipment and how to set up an audiobook for proper downloading and playback. We hope to be ready to produce top quality audiobooks for the entire Into the West Saga Serial Book Collection in the future. 


During this recording you will notice a vast difference in sound quality at times. We are aware of this. When we first began recording our podcast, Book Bnter with Dianne Burckhardt, we were reading this book at the end of our shows. We had very basic sound equipment and no soundproofing. It is from those recordings that most of these tracks were taken.


Thanks to donations from our supporters (and dipping into Dianne's savings account) we were able to upgrade our equipment to a more professional quality setup. Since this was just a "practice" version, we did not go back and re-record the previously recorded tracks, but just added to it with the new equipment. 


When we record the final version of this audiobook, we plan to add a few sound effects, but nothing too distracting. We are thinking perhaps the sound of a cane making contact* for one emotional scene, a crowd of children talking in the foundling home as they gather to leave, a train hissing when they are at the station. You get the idea. 


We are particularly interested to know what you think of the music transitions between the tracks. Is it too much to have music at the beginning and the end of the book chapter tracks? Should it just be at the end? Just at the 

beginning? Keeping at the beginning and the end? Please let us know what you think in the comment box at the bottom of this page. 



After streaming this free SAMPLE audiobook, we would love to receive any and all feedback you care to share with us so that we can make improvements for the final version. It is simple and easy to do. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and leave sour comments. Thank you for taking to time to help us improve our products for you! 


If you would like to listen to the complete FREE streaming audiobook or even try a Beta downloadable version, just join our Members Only page to gain free access to the entire audiobook. The Members Only page is free to join, quit anytime, no strings attached. 


Click HERE and join today. 

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