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Friday Funnies: Post Migraine Edition!

Writer's picture: Dianne BurckhardtDianne Burckhardt

Hello My Happy People,

As I am sure you can guess from the title of today's blog, I am just now coming off of a three day migraine. I really hate when those hit. As you may know, one of the neurological conditions I have is hydrocephalus. This causes higher than normal pressure in my head. When a low pressure weather front comes through like we just had here in Düsseldorf, it is actually very painful for me. The lower the barometric pressure drops, the more painful it is.

We still have storms in our area and the pressure is still lower than normal, but it has let up enough that I am able to function today. Yesterday was 100% a no go! My husband says he can always gauge how much pain I am in by how much of my eyes he can see when I am talking to him. If I actually close my eyes a bit while we are talking, he just sends me to bed.

So today I am playing catch up on the work I was not able to keep up with the last three days, like this blog. I have got more great author interview coming up in August starting off with comic book author Chris Denmead. The following week we have the incredible writer, creator, and executive producer, Reenita Malhotra Hora. Then we have another comic book author Francesca Maria. I have been actively seeking comic book authors since I started this podcast (because I am a HUGE comic book fan) and now I actually have two coming up. I am also just pinching myself that I get to chat with Reenita M. Hora. When you hear her interview, you will understand why!

Things are coming along great for the new magazine, Book Banter Magazine. I am also planning to put out a holiday buying guide for Christmas, featuring work from our guest authors.

But for now I have laundry to finish, a book to edit (Part 7 - Into the West: Family Ties) and two to read so let's get to the jokes!

Have a great weekend people!


Don't forget to get your free EBOOk and Audiobook this weekend. Feel free to share the links with all your friends!

July 19th - 23rd!!

Q: What is the sun’s favorite accessory?

A: It's Ray-bans.

Q: Did you hear Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris fought on the beach?

A: They faced off in sand-to-sand combat.

Q: How do you catch a squirrel?

A: Climb a tree and act like a nut.

Q: What is a cow’s favorite thing to do in summer?

A: It likes to go to the mooo-vies.

Q: Where do pirates like to swim?

A: The aarrrrr-ctic ocean.

Q: Why don’t skeletons like summer?

A: They have no body to go with to the beach.

Q: Why did the sun go to school?

A: It wanted to get brighter.

Q: How does the sun cut its hair?

A: Eclipse it.

Q: Why was the sun mad at the clouds?

A: It didn’t like being overshadowed.

Q. What crashes on the shore of tiny beaches?

A: Micro-waves.

Q: What do you call a spellcaster who lives at the beach?

A: A sand-witch.

And last but not least ...

Q: How does the ocean floor know what is going on in the world?

A: It always follows current events.

"Why Do I Have a Big Family?"

Jim Gaffigan Stand up (Mr.Universe)

Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (2023 Guest Interviews):

Natacha Deen, YA, Adult, and Non-Fiction Author (EP 75: June 21)

Kammy Wood, The Modern Wordist, Creative Writing Consultant (EP 76: June 26)

Season 2 Past Guest Interviews (2023):

LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP 51: Feb. 1)

LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP 52: Feb. 8)

C. D'Angelo, Author of The Difference and The Visitor (EP 53: Feb. 15th)

Val Collins, author of the Aoife Walsh Books (EP 54: Feb. 22)

Kirstie Page, Visual Storyteller/Artist (EP 55: March 1st)

Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, Author of Diamonds in the Sky Series

(EPs 56/57: March 8th/15th)

David Gibson, PhD FRSB, Author of Planting Clues: How Plants Solve Crimes.

(EP 58: March 22nd)

Linaya DiNoto, Science Fiction Author of Lithaflora: The Chrysalis: The Forever After Series (EP 59: March 29)

Kelly Florence, Screenwriter/Podcaster and Co-Author of 5 books in The Science of Series

(EP 60: April 5)

Stephanie LaVigne, Cozy Mystery Author of Headlines, Deadlines, and Lies

(EPs 61/62: April 12/19)

Nzondi (Ace Antonio Hall), horror author/actor/musician (EP 66 & 67: May 17 & 24)

Benecia Ponder, author coach and bestselling author (EP 68: May 31)

Diann Floyd Boehm, Children's Book Author/Educator/Podcaster (EP 69: June 7th)

Angela R. Hughes, Historical Epic Fantasy Author (EP 70: June 14)

Donna Edman, Photographer/Visual Storyteller/Author (EP 71: June 21)

Wendy Jo Cerna, Inspirational Author (EP 72: June 28)

Sabrina Hammonds, Kingdom Connections Podcast and Media Agency (EP 73: July 5)

Ann Charles, Mixed Genre Mystery Author (EP 74: July 12)


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