Hello My Happy People,
Today I bring you my first ever writing team interview. While I have interviewed people who write with a partner, I have never interviewed both authors in the same interview. It was so much fun talking with Jeff Ayers and Jon Land that I may have to reconsider and do more of these multi-author interviews.
Both men were both accomplished writing professionals long before they joined forces to create the unique and masterfully crafted thriller, Leave No Trace, the first in a new series under their pseudonym, A. J. Landau. If you are blessed to spend any time at all speaking with this talented duo, it is easy to see how they complement each other in style, knowledge, and mutual admiration.
Jeff Ayers worked as a reference librarian for nearly 30 years while pursuing his own writing career as a freelance writer and reviewer, for which he earned honors such as Fiction Reviewer of the Year. During his career Jeff had the opportunity to interview such notable authors as Dan Brown and James Patterson, among others.
One of Jeff’s more notable solo works is Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion. To prepare to write this compendium, Jeff read more than 550 novels and interviewed more than 350 people connected to the Star Trek franchise, including William Shatner. Jeff also helps to promote other authors and the thriller genre as Co-Executive Director of ThrillerFest, an annual conference for the International Thriller Writers.
Jon Land has been a noted author since the 1980s with more than 60 books to his credit. While best known for his long and respected career as a thriller writer, Jon has produced a variety of work from award-winning nonfiction to a screenwriting credit for the film Dirty Deeds.
Besides his own well-established thrillers including his Caitlin Strong series and Blain McCracken series, Jon also took a turn writing several books in the Murder, She Wrote series based on the TV show of the same name.
While Jon has built an amazing and respected career as a solo author, he also has previous experience writing as part of a bestselling author team. In 2017, Jon published a sci-fi novel, The Rising, with co-author Heather Graham.
Listening to the men talk about their working relationship, it is easy to understand how this writing team works so well together. The mutual admiration the pair has for what the other brings to the process is obvious. Jon speaks in a more energetic voice that easily conveys his excitement when talking about their differing writing processes and inspirations. Jeff has a more quietly amused tone and jumps into the conversation to give background and supportive context to the conversation.
Both men are quick to compliment the other for what they bring to the partnership. The true friendship between these men is clearly evident. Their thriller, Leave No Trace has received numerous impressive recommendations from a host of bestselling authors. such as Michael Connelly, Brad Meltzer, Lisa Gardner, Karin Slaughter, and more.
The resounding opinion seems to be that if you like thrillers, Leave No Trace is a must read and their interview will only make you want to go pick up this book even more! So don't wait, click the purple microphone below and go listen now.
Jeff Ayers on Amazon Jon Land on Amazon
Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt
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Manic Monday TikTok Vlog
Time for more Dad Jokes!
How about some camping jokes inspired by today's podcast guests.
Q: What is better than giving a man a fish?
A: Teaching him to fish! Give him a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you get rid of him for the whole weekend!
Q: Why did the stressed camper decide to pack up and go home?
A: Because the holiday turned out to be two in tents.
Q: What is a tree’s favorite beverage?
A: Root beer.
Q: What does Winnie the Pooh go camping in?
A: A Winnebago.
Q: Why do trees have so many friends?
A: They like to branch out.
Q: What kind of shoes does Kermit wear to go camping?
A: He prefers open toad shoes.
Q: Why didn’t the elephant take a backpack on his camping trip?
A: Because he already packed his trunk!
Q: What music should you listen to while driving a camper through frozen rain?
A: Van Hailin’.
Q: What did the elephants wear to the lake?
A: Swimming trunks!
Q: What do bears call campers in thermal sleeping bags?
A: Burr-eatos.
Q: Where does Kermit keep his money?
A: In the river bank!
Q: How do trees access the internet?
A: They log in.
Q: Why did the hunter take his electric car camping?
A: Because it needed to recharge.
Q: How can a camper tell if a tree is a dogwood?
A: By its bark.
Q: How did the hunter know the lake was friendly?
A: It always waves at him.
And last but not least . . .
Q: Why did the hunter have to cancel his camping trip?
A: He went to go buy a new camouflage hunting blind but didn’t see one anywhere.
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Going forward, Book Banter Magazine will be published every other month beginning in February - December to coincide with the Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast broadcasting seasons. We will also have the Year End Book Buying Guide in November for holiday shopping with every author guest from the current season. Follow us on social media to stay up to date on all our coming issues. Click the cover to read a sample of the latest issue.
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Check out the award-winning, historical fiction, family saga, Into the West Saga Serial. All the books, one through seven, are available now on Amazon. Click the phto above for more information or click here to order your copy of each of the seven novellas in this serial today or you can read them all for free with Kindle Unlimited.

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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (2024 Guest Interviews):
* Special Episode January 10th, 2024 Celebrating Our 100th Broadcast *
Special Guest: Pedro (P.R.) Burckhardt
Producer for Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt Podcast and Book Banter Magazine
Season Three April/May Episodes:
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Khushi T. Saha, Author of the Unraveled Duet romance set.
Khushi on Facebook
April 10th, S3 EP113: Fiction NOW STREAMING
Boo Trundle, Author of The Daughter Ship
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A. J. Landau, Author of Leave No Trace
A. J. Landau's Listing on MacmiIlan Publishers
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Kezia's Website
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