Hello My Happy People,
I am so glad I can finally get this email out to all of you. I have been having nothing be technical difficulties today and people messaging me left and right about different things, it has just been hectic.
The next issue of Book Banter Magazine is almost finished, but I was not able to touch it all all today with everything else going on. At least you all get to hear the incredible conversation I had with historical fiction/paranormal romance author J.R. Byers.
Janet is the last author in our regularly scheduled LoveFest author group, but next week you will get a bonus author. She had to drop out of the regular lineup but we managed to get her rescheduled in time to bring her in at the end.
But enough of my rambling, let's get on to the amazing J.R. Byers, paranormal romance author.
To say that J.R. Byers is a lifelong fan of romance novels is not much of an exaggeration. She fell in love with the genre at the tender age of twelve. Since then, her love of romance has only grown. When J.R. first felt the urge to pen her own fiction, romance was the obvious choice.
With so many sub-genres available to dabble in, J.R. has used her platform to explore more than just one theme for her storytelling. Writing contemporary, paranormal, and historical romance novels gave her a creative outlet that has been well received by her readers.
While her current books in the Blackwood series have not received numerous reviews as of yet, the ones they have acquired are amazing. To find out more about J.R. Byers and her books, listen to her interview on now and then check out her pages in the Feb/Mar issue of Book Banter Magazine.
Click the purple microphone below to listen now.
Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt
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Manic Monday TikTok Vlog
Time for more Love Fest Dad Jokes!
After you listen to today's guest author, you will understand why we chose
these jokes ... enjoy!
Q: What makeup item do ghost's girls never leave the crypt without?
A: Their Mas-scare-a!
Q: What did the ghost boy offer to buy the ghost girl at the bar?
A: Boos!
Q: What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?
A: A hoblin goblin.
Q: What kind of horses do ghosts ride?
A: Night-mares.
Q: What room is useless in a ghost's house?
A: The living room.
Q: Why do ghosts love elevators?
A: They always lift their spirits.
Q: Who did the ghost take to his prom?
A: His ghoul-friend!
Q: How does a ghost unlock the front door of his crypt?
A: With a spoo-key.
Q: Where do ghosts buy their sheets?
A: At the boo-tique!
Q: Where is a ghost's favorite vacation destination?
A: The Boo-hamas.
And last but not least . . .
Q: Why didn't the little ghost boy eat his candy?
A: Because he didn't have the stomach for it.
February/March Issue Available Now!
Going forward, Book Banter Magazine will be published every other month beginning in February with the start of season 3 of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast. We will also have the Year End Book Buying Guide in November for holiday shopping with every author guest from season 3. Follow us on social media to stay up to date on all our coming issues. Click the cover to read the latest issue.
Follow us on Facebook: @BurckhardtBooks and @DianneBurckhardt.Author
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The Into the West Saga Serial is Complete!
Check out the award-winning, historical fiction, family saga, Into the West Saga Serial. All the books, one through seven, are available now on Amazon. Click the phto above for more information or click here to order your copy of each of the seven novellas in this serial today or you can read them all for free with Kindle Unlimited.

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Listen to our podcast, Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt, every Wednesday. Check your favorite podcast provider for listings.
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Manic Monday Vlogs on TikTok
About Dianne:
Want to know more about the host of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt? Check out Episode 1: Who Am I?
What is a Chiari Malformation, a Syrinx (Syringomyelia), and Hydrocephalus?
The Mutant Chronicles video diaries on TikTok
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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (2024 Guest Interviews):
* Special Episode January 10th, 2024 Celebrating Our 100th Broadcast *
Special Guest: Pedro (P.R.) Burckhardt
Producer for Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt Podcast and Book Banter Magazine
Season Three Is In Our Second Month of Love Fest:
March 6th, S3 EP108: Fantasy Love
Nadines Abrahams, Author of The Fallen Stars Series
March 13th, S3 EP109: Love for Life
Sonya Moore, Author of Some Kind of Magic: A True Story of Love, Life, and Wanderlust
March 20th, S3 EP110: Hot and Spicy Romance with Curves
Eve Black, Author of The Savage Raiders MC Series
March 27th, S3 EP111: Charming, Scottish Historical and Paranormal Romance
J.R. Byers, Author of The Blackwood Series
*Bonus Romance Author - April 3rd, S3 EP112: Interracial Romance Author
Khushi T. Saha, Author of The Unraveled Duet