When you are starting out in this business it can be a real uphill battle to get your work noticed. Because of this I have come up with the idea of an Author Exchange page on my site. The idea behind this page is for indie authors to cross promote each other's work.
It cost nothing to join this network. All you have to do is be willing to add a link to the HOmestead page of my website on your page and I will do the same for you as well. That is it! The more authors we can get to join this free program the more traffic it will be likely to generate for all of us. It's a free simple idea and while there is the chance that it won't do a lot for us, it most definitely won't hurt!
To join, simply add a link to my page, www.stephen.burckhardt.com, on your site. Then send me an email at Stephen.Burckhardt@aol.com with a link to your page showing me you have done this. In the subject line of the email, list the name and genre you wish to be listed under. That is it!
Here's hoping we can all get more traffic to our sites.